Wednesday 4 March 2015

Art of Draping Saree

Selai(சேலை) or Saree

Styles of Draping

There are over 80 recorded ways to wear a sari. The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with the loose end of the drape to be worn over the shoulder, baring the midriff. However, the sari can be draped in several different styles. Although some styles do require a sari of particular length or form. 

Image result for tie saree

How it's Made

Sari are made of various kinds of threads which a weaver will weave them all together on a handloom. The body of a sari is woven in a plain weave and the cross border of the sari is woven into a rib weave. It is then soaked in water overnight to be woven in a wet condition, this will prevent the sari from coiling on itself or tangle. After a few inches of weaving, a solution of gum Arabic is applied to the sari in order to stiffen it.

- Yen Li

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