Wednesday 25 February 2015

Indian Dance and Music

Indian dance and music considered to be just another form of entertainment, traces its origins back several thousands of years. Music is the language of emotion and is an integral part of the Indian culture. Music and dance are languages by themselves, capable of expressing subtle thoughts and refined ideas. While naturally evolving with the dynamic forces of history and creative influence of great masters, these traditions have maintained the integrity of their fundamental heritage. Their purpose was to enrich life of mankind through aesthetic experience and pleasure. Audiences all over the world relish the rich tonality of Indian music and the grace of Indian dance. Music and dance in India are among the oldest forms of classical arts with traditions that date back several centuries.

Musical forms prevalent today have roots in the book 'Samaveda'. The source of Indian dance forms is the 'Natya Shastra', regarded as the fifth Veda, written between the second century B.C. and second century A.D. The uniqueness of Indian classical dances is that they are all devotional in content, using the body effectively as a medium of communication to express moods and emotions. Indian music has developed within a complex interaction between people of different races and cultures. Today, Indian classical music can be classified into two broad traditions, north Indian and south Indian. The north Indian tradition is known as Hindustani Sangeet. The different forms of Hindustani music are Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, Tappa and Thumri. The south Indian tradition of music is called Carnatic Sangeet. Both traditions are fundamentally similar but differ in nomenclature and the way they are performed.

 Dance and Music is a part of the Indian life. Our day starts with the morning prayers in temples and at homes. Folk lore and hymns are sung in the praise of the Lord. Each region has their own way of doing it. The diversity of the same and yet the similarity of concepts makes India so unique. One can hear the Azaan coming from a local mosque early in the morning. As the day progresses people like to hear music to their tastes and there is lots to choose from. Traditional folk, classical music, Bollywood music and so on The classical music be it Hindustani Classical, Carnatic,Ghazal or Qawwali is so well practiced in India is as popular as its contemporary music. It has stood the tests of time and is being carried on by the new generation. Dance There is sculptural evidence from all parts of India that underlines the rich tradition of dance that flourished over a thousand years ago. Through this evidence, we see that in ancient India dance and music were not only seen as ways to celebrate, but also as offerings of worship and thanksgiving to the deity.

 Over the course of time, the dance forms practised in different parts of the country were codified and developed distinct identities according to the geographic, socio- economic and political conditions of each region. All dance forms were structured around the nine 'Rasa' or emotions. They are Hasya (happiness), Shoka (sorrow), Krodha (anger), Karuna (compassion), Bhibatsa (disgust), Adhbhuta (wonder), Bhaya (fear), Viram (courage) and Shanta (serenity). The Classical forms of dance are Bharatnatyam,Kathak,Kuchipudi, Manipuri,Kathakali,Mohiniattam,Odissi Chhau. Folk Dance One of the surest ways to experience the diversity of India's culture and tradition is through its folk art. They are different for different regions. They folk art is needless to say more popular than classical forms of dance in India as they are easier to understand and perform. The Indian folk dance is simple, but behind the simplicity lies both insightfulness of conception and a candor of expression that are of great artistic value. In folk dances, the effect of the overwhelming resilience of the spirit
and the well-expressed effortless ease with which the dance is articulated is what stands out. Almost every village has its own folk dances performed on every possible occasion such as the birth of a child, to celebrate the arrival of seasons, weddings and festivals. On most occasions, the dancers sing while being accompanied by artists on instruments. Each form of dance has a specific costume. Most of these costumes are flamboyant with elaborate jewels. All-night dance dramas and music are popular throughout India and mark major festivals. The journey into various regions brings one closer to the life and spirit of the ordinary folks.

-Alison Hon

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